GPU-accelerated Natural Image Stitching with Global Similarity Prior

This is the final project of 2017S GPGPU course. We follow this paper, Natural Image Stitching with Global Similarity Prior [1], and get its github source code[3]. We use GPU and change some settings to improve its performace.


We found the bottleneck of original version of image stitching are from three main part:

  1. get feature pairs distance
  2. least squares conjugate gradient solving
  3. SVD

Profiling Before

Change the getdistance function on GPU

Orignal version calculate the distance of each pair. We use linear algebra to express the function. It can be done by blas-2 and blas-3 operations. Get Distance Math

Solve CG with initial guess

Original version use zero-initialization for iteration. We use vertices information as initial guess to accelerate the convergence of CG solving. Below is the comparison between initial guess and zero-initialization under same iteration number. Unfortunately, initial guess with vertices become worse when iteration carry on under same tolerance, it seems that this thought only applys when we terminates the iteration at early phase.

initial guess (150 iterations) zero initialization (150 iterations)
Initial Guess Zero Initialization

Change other settings

We found the linear systems are same. It just use different blending. Thus, we reduce the number of linear system. Moreover, human eyes can’t distinguish tiny details, so we use less tolarence = 1e-8 not 1e-16 to improve the performance.


After all improvement, we can use 55 ~ 65 % time of orignal version. Each step contains those improving steps before it. Time Percent Below is the profiling after all improvement, we successfully reduce the timing of distance computing and CG solving by 30% and 12%.

Profiling After

orignal ours
orignal ours

Future work

  1. Change the orignal data structure. Make it store data as matrix not many short vectors.
  2. Change the solver to make it run another case.
  3. Improve the SVD algorithm

More detail

There is our presentation slides : google slide

